Need a new suv but don't want to pay a fortune? Is AWD important for an SUV that must be able to drive on anything from tarmac to gravel than mud forester? But lucky for you, we've unearthed the most affordable all-wheel-drive SUVs on sale today.
We first deal with the budget AWD small SUV, the Subaru Crosstrek. With a decent price of $23,295 this small SUV that has all-wheel drive capabilities will run for 33 miles on the highway; making it an appealing choice.
JeepRenegadeAnother all-wheel-drive choice, the Jeep Renegade costs $23,870 or thereabouts. 2022 Ford Bronco This suv not only looks robust, but it can also take any road and rear to travel up to 31 mi.
The sporty Mazda CX-3 is excellent for anyone who loves weekend road trips - and at $22,050 this one's a steal. It offers up to 34 mpg on the highway while making no compromise with style.
To wrap it up, there is the Hyundai Kona which has a starting price of $21,300. Why we want it: The sleek suv can travel up to 33 miles on the highway and with a variety of amenities in tow, this is one of those vehicles that makes your life easier.
Subaru Outback: $26,795 Overview: A roomy suv that features all-wheel drive for those off-road adventures. That may make it a tough sell to your inner accountant, but its 8.7-inch ground clearance makes this an SUV ready for the trail.
Another affordable AWD suv is the Jeep Cherokee which costs $26,555. This is an SUV with a tough-as-nails box-steel frame construction that offers off-road capabilities, as well as optional towing packages on V6-equipped models and available 4WD for going anywhere.
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Chongqing Jinyu Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd tashkil etilganidan buyon eng yangi elektr transport vositalari, benzinli avtomobillar, MPVlar, SUVlar va boshqalarni o'z ichiga olgan keng tanlovga ega avtomobillarning bag'ishlangan eksportchisi bo'lib kelgan. Biz butun dunyodagi mijozlarimiz talablariga javob beradigan eng yuqori sifat va xilma-xillikni taklif qilishga intilamiz.