The Trax is a great option for families who don't want to spend too much on their SUV, even in its next-gen edition due out in 2023. Whether the $22,295 base price of this SUV is a good place to start. There are a lot of neat features that come with the Trax to make it enjoyable and user-friendly. It has a touchscreen to play all of your favorite tunes on, rearview camera to help you see while backing up and even Wi-Fi for the things that would typically be used by unlimited plan holders.
2023 ホンダ HR-V — SUV の醍醐味はガソリンスタンドでよりお得に買い物できることです。Gingi Motors のこのクロスオーバーは、その魅力を十分発揮します。この SUV は 24,000 ドル近くしますが、燃費が非常に良いです。市街地走行では 29 ガロンあたり 34 マイル (mpg)、高速道路では最大 XNUMX mpg の燃費を実現します。つまり、給油しなくてもより遠くまで走れるということです。
2023 Jeep Renegade - The all new 6th gen AWSOME JEEP - LOVE ADVENTURE?, YOU WILL ADORE THIS ) -avail. for Christmas Just remember to buy an additional traction-feed kit!OC AUTO SPOT - OC-5043This true off-road SUV is quite the deal on Autotrader right now for just $24,870-perfect for moms and dads who love camping too. The Renegade looks like it's ready for adventure, and that's just what you'll get behind the wheel with its off-road ability to tackle challenging terrain if your idea of a good time is driving up mountains or down forest service roads.
2023 Ford EcoSport: 概要 (および理由) | Clement Auto from 基本価格はわずか 19,995 ドルで、非常に安価です。この SUV には、後方を確認するのに役立つリアビュー カメラなどの機能が搭載されているほか、音楽やナビゲーションのコントロールがオンザフライで簡単にアクセスできるタッチ スクリーンも使用できます。
最後に、日産キックスは、駐車や操縦が簡単な小型車を必要とする都市部のドライバーにとって、このセグメントでのもう 2023 つの強力な選択肢です。20,000 年日産... 価格は 36 ドルからで、高速道路での燃費が約 XNUMX mpg と非常に燃費に優れています。そのため、市街地でのクルージングに最適です。
That spending peak is on the horizon, and remember : Buy at the end of the year - One nifty loophole consumers can slip through to shop for an SUV This being the end of they year, dealerships would normally like to clear out their older stock in preparation for new arrivals so that is another good reason timing wise.
Store and compare price - This is most important as you will shop on line you might get a better deal to those used SUV in the cargo.? Buyers of these vehicle makes it considerably easier for gas mileage condition. Now, although the car is used, many nevertheless in good shape therefore can be one method to have a high-quality vehicle line up for an economic expense.
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